Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 3.As of right now, there is no way to play on a Legion Private Server, without downloading a Legion Client.Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 2.Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 1.Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 15.Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 14.

The Primal Victory and Glorious Tyranny Illusions are now purchasable for 10 Marks of Honor for players who earned at least one of the following Achievements:.The weekly quest “Something Different” should now reward the correct Brawler’s Footlocker based on the active season.Restored the mission-complete button on the map.A number of class set items from legacy content can now be sold to vendors.Whispers in the Dark cast speed bonus reduced by 40%, and has 20% more primary stat.Convergence of Fates now reduces the remaining cooldown on one of your powerful abilities by 4 seconds (was 5 seconds), and has 10% more primary stat.A Primal Sargerite vendor has been added to the Vindicaar.Added three new missions: “Scour the Surface”, “Abandoned Armory”, and “Feed the Furnaces”.Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed cooldown of 30 seconds (was a fixed healing amount with a cooldown of per rank).Additionally, will not proc if the caster is above 95% health. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed proc chance of 20% (was a fixed healing amount with a proc chance of 5% per rank). While this minor patch adds in additional tuning for Antorus, this raid won’t be available with the release of patch 7.3.2, and will open at a later date. Additional tuning in preparation for Antorus, the Burning Throne raid dungeon’s release.General bug fixes and minor class balance changes.