Times Tables Videos – to make the recital of times tables more fun try the 1-5 Times Tables Video recommendations or visit our YouTube channel for a range of videos from 2 to 12 times tables.

Multiplication Worksheets – use the Multiplication Worksheets to cover the all the times tables up to ten. Use these printable multiplication flash cards to help your child with recalling their multiplication facts. Multiplication Flash Cards – Flash cards are a great tool for memorization. Move on to the 1-10 Times Tables Chart once the first chart is mastered. Times Tables Chart – try the 1-5 Times Tables Chart as aid for teaching the times tables. Introduction to Multiplication – Multiplication is adding a number to itself multiple times. A lot of kids would know that 6 x 4 = 24, but if you asked them 4 x 6 they would scratch their heads. For example, 4 x 6 and 6 x 4 both equal 24.

See our times table video page for our recommendations >. Times Table Videos – there are many great videos online that you can use to help teach your child the times tables.Find the answer – call out random multiplication questions and have your child find the answer on the chart.Remember – committing all the products to memory will take time, it won’t happen in one sitting! Focus on one factor at a time – Stick to one factor and ‘play’ with it until your child becomes familiar with it and its products.Start with the easy tables first – the two, five and ten times tables are considered the easiest to learn. Once these are mastered move on to the other times tables.There are range of different exercises that you can do using the times tables charts: